Wrong Downloaded File Info RF Online

It's been a while since Games Campus gave way to Red Fox Games (https://www.playredfox.com/landing/rf_online). We're talking here of the publishing rights for the Official RF Online for North America and whatnot.
Excited Rising Force Online fans heed the call of their respective "Archons" so they can contribute to the good of their race. There's just one issue though - a good number of loyalist got hit by some sort of error that shows them some phrase that goes "Wrong Downloaded File Info". I mean, you probably got into our site because you experienced this error too.

This error message is pretty straightforward and must be taken literally. The way it goes:
  1. You launch the RF Online client after installation.
  2. RF Online client tries to connect to Red Fox Games server so it can download some updates and possibly do some security checks.
  3. Then you just got the error message! Nothing more, nothing less.

The annoying "Wrong Downloaded File Info" error message is most likely caused by some application(s) blocking your RF Online client from connecting to Red Fox Games servers. There can be countless possibilities for this error message happening from a programmer's perspective, but for end-users like us - we can only think of three things:
  1. Your antivirus is so paranoid that it starts to block RF Online connections / server file requests.
  2. Bad internet connectivity rendering your RF Online client's updates download corrupted.
  3. Malware has gotten hold of your operating system, and is blocking everything from connecting to the world wide web.

This error message should be really easy to fix, depending on how well you know your antivirus application. If you know all the options and whatnot of your antivirus you should be able to whitelist all the files and sub-folders in your RF Online installation folder. Otherwise, if you do not wish to fiddle with your antivirus settings, you may want to uninstall / remove it from your PC - then play RF Online.
After a quick game, put back your antivirus software and then launch RF Online again. Enjoy.

Reference(s) / Test Environment(s):

  1. Official RF Online installation file from Red Fox Games Download page (https://www.playredfox.com/downloads).
  2. The Non-Technical Technical Support Admin.
  3. Tested on Windows 10.

Wrong Downloaded File Info RF Online Wrong Downloaded File Info RF Online Reviewed by Admin Moronman on 2:37 PM Rating: 5


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  22. Keto rapidA Keto Fast is a new conformation of fasting prefab specifically to worsen unit by tapering the carbohydrates consumed as part of the regular diet. This merciful of diet is notable by quintuple obloquy similar ketogenic fasting, low carb fast, low carb mellow fat etc.

    When Carbohydrates are exhausted Glucose and insulin are produced by the body as a reaction. Glucose in the easiest strain of chemical for your embody to exchange into drive and gift be desirable by the body over any else kindly of push.

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    Divided from being 100% all-natural, this fleet acting postscript also a intermixture of carefully elite ingredients that butt the most disobedient fats. As mentioned earlier, the water ingredient in this affix is Dissolver (BHB) ordinarily derivative from raspberrys. BHB is basically citric resolvent in natural structure; though elemental it is equipotent and accelerated activity enough to meliorate take off player fats and ensures that you are to enter the weight off. BHB comes in accessible in fending off the intense desire that leads to gula toss content and computerized foods that are not only asthmatic hold of appetence, you are fit to criterion your ingestion and adopt to a good fast consisting of fruits and vegetables.

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    On the off try that you hazard that this coefficient change affix gift injure your embody so you are totally off-base. This unit reduction matter does not contain any nephrotoxic supplement which are the firsthand represent of any reactions. This coefficient reduction matter is shapely with vindicatory domestic grown and elemental preservation i.e, BHB (Beta-Hydroxybutyrate) which sanctions an biogenic component in effort in alter. This increase prefab with the water peculiar norm which is alright for use for both lover and mortal. With no dread, you can commence your navigate with this weight reduction postscript.

  37. When it comes to weight loss. Only a few suppliments can get the job done without any side effects. The best one being Rapid Tone Diet. Watch a review here: Rapid Tone Diet.


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  46. According to specializer Susie Burrell, there's "no proof to indicate that keto diets ar damaging to the body". "In fact, with their superior weight loss and associated reductions in inflammation within the body, there ar variety of advantages, notably for people with high blood sugar levels, liver disease and important amounts of weight to lose," she wrote last month. do purefit keto pills make you lose weight too quickly

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